Essential oils, hydrosols, absolutes, carrier oils, macerated oils, CO2 extracts, skincare products
Founded in 1993 with French and Japanese roots, our distillery is located in the heart of a protected natural site, rich in biodiversity, known as the Plateau de Caussols in the South of France.
With over twenty years of experience, we have developed a highly innovative distillation technology called "Flash Détente", which we have refined and perfected in our own laboratory. Unique in the world of aromatherapy and cosmetics, this process allows us to preserve the molecular characteristics very similar to those produced by plants.
We have created a full range of 100% natural, certified organic products, including essential oils, hydrosols, absolutes, carrier oils, macerated oils, CO2 extracts, and skincare products.
20年以上の経験を持つ当社の蒸留所は、「フラッシュ デタント」と呼ばれる革新的な蒸留技術を開発し、完成させました。
取扱商品:エッセンシャル オイル(約120種類)、フローラルウォーター(約30種類)、キャリア オイル(約30種類)、マセレーションオイル(6種類)、超臨界CO2抽出(約5種類)、ナチュラルコスメ
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